Butterfly Reflections

Life...what can I say but it happpens and then you learn.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

It's been a while...

I know it has been a while since my last post. Life has been busy and I guess I wasn't sure what to say. I am definitely loving my job and every aspect of it. I have been there for 2 months now and it really seems that time has flown. I have always known that Accounting was what I loved to do but never had the opportunity to do it full time. Now that I am in that type of job, I literally cannot wait to get to work every day. This is the first time that I have ever felt that way about a job. For those of you that are keeping up with my progress on weight loss, I am proud to announce that I have lost a total of 90 pounds so far. I am so proud of myself for sticking to this. I know that having the surgery was a drastic measure but it really has changed my life and thinking on a lot of things. I really no longer look to food for happiness. I definitely enjoy the fact that my clothes are definitely falling off. I have had to get rid of some of them and have bought a few as well. I think that it has come that time when I really need to start buying more. I am finding out about some great stores that I never knew about and could never fit into any of their clothes. I had to buy a dress for Wendy's upcoming wedding and actually was able to find one that only cost me $10.80. Can you believe that? I was shocked when we were checking out and the dress was on sale. I had no idea it was on sale at all. The shoes I got were more than the dress. In fact, they were three times more. Well, I guess that is enough rambling for now. I will post again soon, I promise.

Love to all my friends far and near.


  • At 3/16/2007 09:38:00 PM, Blogger Kathy said…

    That is amazing Paula. You're an inspiration to me! I have been stuck in this rut of running to food whenever I feel anything...happy, sad, celebratory, depressed, bored....and I'm desperatly trying to break that cycle...eatting to live not living to eat. Thank you for writing this. It's awesome to hear about your success and it gives me motivation!
    Thank you SO much and keep up the good work!

  • At 3/18/2007 10:50:00 PM, Blogger The Secret of Happiness said…

    Paula, you look incredible - your face is beaming in that picture!
    Man, you're one incredible woman!

  • At 3/23/2007 08:57:00 PM, Blogger Johnny said…

    Good job, Paula. Staci and I miss you and your silly husband.

    Love you,

  • At 3/30/2007 06:40:00 AM, Blogger sarah jewett clarke said…

    you rock - post more pics!


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