Butterfly Reflections

Life...what can I say but it happpens and then you learn.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

People Get Ready ...

I know it has been a while since my last post. I must say that 30 seems to suit me....so they say.

I must say that I have had a wonderful time over the last month. We have had the opportunity to spend time with some awesome friends here in Charlotte and in Georgia as well. I had my very first experience going tubing on Lake Norman a couple weeks ago. It was absolutely amazing. I have never been able to do anything like that before. It was so exhilarating!!! Wayne said he couldn't believe that I actually got out there and did it. I was a little surprised myself. I really had no intention on getting out there but as we were riding on the lake to get to the spot to start tubing I started thinking. I know that can be dangerous for me. I realized that I am not the same person. I have worked hard to loose an amazing amount of weight so I could be healthy but also so I can do these types of things for the first time in my life. I put that life jacket on and I was the first one to get on the tube. It was a two person tube so Wayne got on there with me and off we went. We ended up going two times.

We also were able to go to the Holiness Congress in Atlanta. It was an amazing experience for both Wayne and I. God spoke to each of us in way that was so powerful. I really came away so blessed and renewed. I could feel the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart and soul. I had a few realizations about myself. I realized that there is still healing to be done in both me and Wayne. The wonderful thing that was made evident to me is that God is not done with me yet. I am sure Wayne feels the same way. Life over that past five years has not been easy but it has been an amazing adventure of trials and triumphs. God is victorious and He is seated on the throne!!! It excites me to think of what God is going to do in our lives as a married couple, in our corps, in our division, in our territory, in our country, in the world!!!! I am getting all excited just sitting her typing.

I hope for those of you that were also there that you walked away with a passion. I know that God is doing amazing things everywhere.

Well I guess I should close for now, but as I said at the top People get ready.....God is still on the throne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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